What if Women Evolved to be Owned?

Our culture assumes that freedom is generally good, and that people should be free to pursue their own desires, unless that pursuit conflicts with the freedom of others. This view is so pervasive that most people would struggle to understand a critique of it. However, it is based on dubious assumptions.

One of those assumptions is that people know what is good for them. This assumption is linked to hedonism. If pleasure and pain are the ultimate good and bad, then you have direct awareness of what is good and bad for you. You could be mistaken about the consequences of your actions, but not about what is intrinsically good or bad.

Hedonism is taken for granted by our culture, even though the word “hedonism” is somewhat pejorative. When people use “hedonism” pejoratively, they often mean the short-sighted pursuit of pleasure with little regard for long-term consequences or effects on other people. They still assume that pleasure and pain are the ultimate source of value.

But we can apply other norms to human action. We don’t need to judge action by the happiness or suffering that it produces. Instead, we can view action as a means to a biological end: reproduction. Viewed in this way, we can judge human actions as adaptive or maladaptive. We can also judge human desires as adaptive or maladaptive.

This view is important, even if you reject it as subjectively normative. Biology is real. Evolution will determine the future of humanity, regardless of our ideologies or technologies. We can critique an ideology or technology as maladaptive. We can critique a society or civilization as a biological dead end, if it does not reproduce its human capital. Biologically, it doesn’t matter whether people are happy or unhappy. It matters whether they reproduce.

Having said that, I will now apply the biological view to a certain aspect of human nature in the modern world: the desires and behavior of women. I will consider the possibility that women evolved to be owned/dominated by men, and cannot function in the modern environment of sexual freedom.

Men and women are different. This is a heretical belief nowadays, but it is an obvious truth. If we are honest, we can understand sexual dimorphism. Males and females have different reproductive strategies. Males produce small, motile gametes. Females produce large, sessile gametes. All other sex differences are due to this initial dimorphism, which probably emerged by symmetry breaking more than a billion years ago. It explains why women gestate children and men don’t. It explains why women are the primary caregivers of children. It explains why men have a stronger desire for sex (because they have a lower investment in the sex act). Etc.

Humans evolved the pair bond, which is rare among mammals. The pair bond is a long-term sexual relationship between a male and a female, in which they cooperate to raise their offspring. The pair bond makes paternity more certain, and thus it creates a biological incentive for the male to protect and support the female and her offspring, because her offspring are probably his offspring too. The pair bond is what I call “the sexual contract”. The male provides protection and support in exchange for the exclusive reproductive services of the female.

Of course, this sounds very unromantic, but romance is based on this exchange. Our emotions evolved to create the pair bond, and ultimately to make us reproduce. Lust and love are evolved mechanisms. They did not evolve to make us happy, or to inspire songs and poetry. They evolved to make us reproduce.

The pair bond involves a sexual division of labor. In most mammal species, males just compete for females. They don’t help females and offspring to survive. Human males protect and support their mates and children, within the pair bond. Men evolved to play the role of fathers. Women evolved to play the role of mothers.

Men are physically stronger than women, and can easily dominate them physically. Men can get reproductive services from women by coercion (rape), or by cooperation (the pair bond). Because men are stronger than women, men control access to women. Men could seize women from other men by force (typically in war). Men could also arrange a pair bond by agreement with other men. In such cases, the woman might also agree to the relationship, but typically her male relatives would have to agree as well.

Traditional marriage was an explicit version of the pair bond. It had responsibilities for both sides. In a sense, the husband and wife owned each other. But this ownership was not symmetrical, because men and women are different. A woman needed the protection of a man to survive, so she was the de facto property of some protector: initially her father, and later her husband. The marriage ceremony reflects this power dynamic: the father hands over his daughter to her new husband.

Today, the state has replaced both the father and the husband as the “owner” of women. The state is the default protector and provider. The state gives women sexual freedom. Marriage has become a meaningless ceremony, devoid of biological or social significance. Unlike the father or the husband, the state has no biological interest in a woman. So, we should not expect the state to encourage her to reproduce. She is just another individual, pursuing her own desires.

Sexual freedom is a recent development, due to the industrial and sexual revolutions. Until modern times, women were owned by their fathers or husbands, not by the state.

Women were not powerless in this ancestral condition — far from it. Women had sexual power. They still have this power today. Arguably, a beautiful young woman is more powerful than any man. She can “launch a thousand ships”. Men are slaves to female beauty.

Women evolved to be successful in the ancestral condition, as did men. You could say that women evolved to live inside the “cage” of male ownership. Their emotions evolved to fit that cage: to push against it in some ways, but not to exist outside it. Modern civilization has removed that cage. Female emotions are not adapted to life outside the cage. As a result, female behavior has become extremely maladaptive.

The sexual cage is not the only cage that we are adapted to. Humans evolved to live in the “cage” of society. We depend on society to survive, and we must fit into it. Our emotions are adapted to that cage.

Scarcity is another cage that we are adapted to. We are not adapted to abundance.

The problem with liberation is that we aren’t adapted to it. We have not been pulled from our natural environment and stuck in a cage, like a zoo animal. It is the opposite. We have been taken out of our natural cage and released into the “wild” of modern civilization, with all of its freedoms.

What are the consequences of liberating women from the sexual cage?

In the ancestral condition, women were forced to sexually submit to men, just to survive. In war, they might be raped, or taken as sexual slaves. In peacetime, they would need to get married, to have a protector and provider. They were forced to have sex, and thus (without birth control) they were forced to have children. They were forced to do what was biologically good for them, even if they didn’t want to.

Now, women have been set free to do what they want, even if it isn’t biologically good for them.

In the ancestral condition, men and women were brought together by complementary desires. Sexual desire motivated men to seek women. Fear and necessity motivated women to accept men. A woman needed a husband. Her father could not protect and support her forever. The desire to survive was sufficient to motivate a young woman to enter a relationship. Female sexual desire was secondary. Of course, women have preferences in men, just as men have preferences in women. But the sexual desire of men is stronger, because female sexual desire was not necessary to bring men and women together.

In most cases, men play the active role in seeking a mate, while women play a passive role. Women wait for men to come to them. In some cases, the parents of a young woman would seek a husband for her, reversing the roles somewhat. But in most cases, men would come to her, not vice versa. She was not a “free woman”, roaming around, seeking a mate. She was sessile, like her gametes, relying on her appearance to attract potential mates. Rather than seeking a mate, she would attract as much attention as possible, so that men would compete for her. Eventually, a man would “win” her.

Now that women have been liberated from the ancestral cage, they still act in much the same way. They do not seek mates. They do not have a strong desire for sex. They are passive, rather than active. They display their wares, and wait for men to come to them.

In modern civilization, women have much greater sexual agency than men. Most women could easily find a good mate and form a pair bond. But women lack the motivation to pursue men. Instead, they wait passively for a mate. They also reject most men who try to connect with them. Women spend years waiting passively for “Mr. Right”. What they are actually waiting for, although they don’t know it, is to be forced into a sexual relationship. They are waiting to be owned.

The modern mating game is dysfunctional, because women instinctively expect men to “take” them, but men lack the agency to do that. Women are not willing to meet men halfway, as equals. Instead, women maximize their attractiveness and wait, while rejecting most overtures from men. They wait for a man who has the power to take them, but society has eliminated that power.

Women waste their fertile years waiting for men. They feel no urgency about getting a mate. A single man feels a desperate longing for a woman. A single woman does not have the same feeling. Again, female sexual desire was not the driving force that brought men and women together in the past. A woman needed a man, and she often had little choice in the matter. Today, a woman doesn’t need a man as a protector or provider. She is protected by the state. She can sell her labor in the market to support herself, or she can fall back on state welfare. Under those conditions, she does not have a strong desire for a mate.

Given the agency to freely choose a mate, most women don’t use it.

This is not the only problem with human sexuality in the modern world. There are others, including a reluctance by men to commit to relationships. Also, both sexes often choose to have few or no children, given the new agency of birth control. However, the desires of women (or lack thereof) are the biggest obstacle to sexual relationships.

Human nature is not adapted to sexual freedom. Sexual liberation derailed human sexuality.

It is a heresy to say this. Most people would recoil in horror (partially fake) at this violation of taboos and religious assumptions. But it is true.

We can understand the pathology of certain desires in the modern environment. For example, given abundant food, people will overeat. We recognize the need to regulate food consumption consciously, using explicit norms instead of instincts. We recognize the problem. But we don’t recognize other, similar problems that are caused by taking the human animal out of its ancestral condition.

One reason is that we lack an explicit theory of human purpose. We have only implicit, unexamined hedonism. We assume that liberation is generally beneficial, because it allows us to pursue our desires. But what if our desires are wrong?

I am not blaming women, or anyone else, for the current problems with human sexuality. I am not a reactionary. I don’t want to RETVRN to a premodern way of life. I want modern civilization to succeed. I am not a traditionalist. We can’t solve the problems of modern civilization by restoring traditional religion and morality. Modern problems require new solutions.

To solve the problems of modern civilization, we need to expand our rationality to match the expansion of our agency.


  1. I struggle with this because while a lot of what you say here makes sense and I tend to agree with most of what you write, I think I finally have found a position I disagree with or at least it does not seem clearly true.
    You seem to be implying which may not be your intention that women have very little to no sexual desire for men because this wasn’t necessary and that furthermore they would be reasonably content or even happy to just be forced into a relationship with a man or arranged into one. I’m not sure this is the case.
    Anecdotally speaking which may not be relevant, multiple women took the initiative with forming a relationship with me while I was in secondary school and I was a very shy individual that was not considered popular. One girl in particular chose to ask me out on fireworks night to make it more of a big deal and another girl followed me around a party all night (I don’t say this to brag, just that this is my experience and it does affect my view).
    I would argue that women are just more sexually selective and this can be a harsh process for the average man. I’ve seen a video that showed an Indian woman in an arranged marriage begin to cry upon first seeing her husband because she obviously thought he was ugly. I think the position that women don’t care about looks is somewhat foolish position that helps average and unattractive men deal with their unfair circumstances. Well it doesn’t matter that women don’t find me attractive because they don’t care as much about looks as men do anyway. Well yes men are inherently more attracted to a woman based on their looks but women actually are more selective then men are based on looks, depending on what you find more important sexual desire or sexual selection it could be stated that women actually care more about a man’s appearance because they are more selective.
    You could further make the argument that forced sexual relations actually lead to lower attractiveness among males as opposed to females because women aren’t allowed to select for it. This means that societies that allow for female sexual selection have a greater increase in male beauty and height and in societies where they aren’t allowed to be selected for factors like human height in particular don’t increase (I don’t believe the short stature can be explained by malnutrition alone), even penis size which is relatively the largest for humans among the primates I believe is attributed to female sexual selection. So to conclude though I wouldn’t completely disagree with the point that women are more passive and want to be pursued. I would disagree with the idea that women have no sexual drive to choose their own mate they just struggle to get the men they prefer to commit to them beyond sex because those men are in demand and of course this a exacerbated in the age of the internet where you can see larger pool of individuals to select from then you would in the past.

    1. I think there's a difference between sexual drive and sexual preferences. If we take the premise of the post, women want to be owned by capable men worthy of owning them.

      An analogy that is easy to understand for men is perhaps this: men want to be lead, but they want to be lead by a capable man worthy of being a leader.

      I think your point about lack of female sexual selection leading to increase in male ugliness is probably correct.

    2. Thanks for the comment.

      There is a good reason why anecdotes are not generally accepted as evidence. They have some evidentiary value, but not much.

      I have been "pursued" by girls too. In my early 20s, I had "groupies": girls who would hang out where I worked and outside my apartment, so that they could talk/flirt with me. I have rarely been explicitly asked out, however. When a girl pursues a guy, she lets him know that she is interested, but she usually waits for him to make an actual move, and she might still reject him. That's how it usually works, but there are always exceptions.

      So, of course, women find some men attractive, and do pursue men to some extent, in their own way. However, there is still a huge disproportionality between male and female desire. Keep in mind that men are socially and culturally conditioned *not* to pursue women aggressively, while there is no such conditioning for women. If a bunch of guys waited outside a woman's apartment to flirt with her, she'd call the police and they would get arrested. Despite that, I'm sure that for every case of a woman following a guy around at a party, there are at least 10 (maybe even 100) cases of the reverse.

      Another example from my past. One time, I was in a nightclub, and a girl sat on my lap and started kissing me. If a guy walks up to a girl and starts kissing her, he will likely be slapped by the girl, beaten up by other men, thrown out of the bar, and maybe arrested. Why the double standard? Because women rarely want to do such things, and men are flattered when they do.

      Studies from dating apps show the disproportionality pretty clearly. For example, one recent study found that, out of 100 bachelor profiles, only one was liked by more than 80% of the female participants, while 38 were disliked. Women dislike men much more than they like them. It is not just that women are less attracted to men. They are also more repulsed by men. Women were not selected to like men, but to be very picky, and to fear/dislike men more. They still like some men, but the bar is high.

      In the ancestral condition, as I explained, male sexual desire brought men and women together. Women did not need the same level of sexual desire, or any level of sexual desire, to reproduce. Other desires, plus circumstances, caused them to be in relationships.

      I did not say that women don't care about looks. Attraction for both sexes depends on appearance. I said that men have more attraction for women than vice versa. Women also care more about a man's status, wealth, power, etc.

      There is plenty of copium in the MGTOW and incel spheres, but that's irrelevant. I'm not in those spheres, and this is not copium.

    3. You say that women are more "sexually selective". Men and women are both selective. If a man is given a choice of 100 women, he will have preferences. The same is true if a women is given a choice of 100 men. Both will be selective. The difference is in the desire for the opposite sex. A man of average attractiveness will desire a woman of average attractiveness much more than vice versa. Women are not as strongly motivated by sexual desire.

      The concept of sexual selection in biology is bogus. Beauty is subjective. It is not that people are attracted to what is objectively beautiful. Beauty is whatever people are attracted to. Both sexes are attracted to signs of reproductive utility. For men, that is youth, breasts, and an hourglass figure. Those features indicate reproductive utility. A young woman has more of her reproductive lifespan ahead of her. Body shape indicates sexual maturity. Fat deposits are energy, and thus the capacity to gestate a child. An hourglass figure indicates that a woman has not had many children already. Women are attracted to signs of social and physical power in men, such as social status and height. Women prefer men who are older than them. Both sexes have preferences for symmetric faces with normal shapes. Men prefer more neotenous faces. All of these preferences have biological explanations.

      The larger size of the human penis is probably not due to female preference for big dicks. Semen competition is a more likely explanation (see Sex and Violence on this blog) -- a larger penis pumps out competitor semen. It could also just be due to the vagina being larger after children -- human newborns have much bigger heads than chimp newborns. Some primates (e.g. baboons) have proportionately larger penises than humans. Chimps have much bigger testicles, but small penises. It could also be partly due to upright stature making a long penis less of a liability (less likely to get caught in branches, scratched on the ground, etc. So...I don't know the exact reason for it, but it's probably not because of female preferences.

      I'll explain why the concept of sexual selection is bogus. Suppose that female preferences were important in mating, in the ancestral condition: that women chose partners based on attractiveness. Also suppose that, for some reason, women found large penises more attractive, even though a large penis has no actual reproductive utility to the woman. That preference would select for larger penises in men -- but it would also select against itself, since women with the preference would be competing for men with big dicks, instead of men with physical strength, health, social status, etc. A woman who doesn't care about dick size would have an advantage over other women, and have more surviving offspring. It is maladaptive to be attracted to a signal that is not correlated with reproductive utility, so it would be selected against.

      Sexual signals, such as bird songs or the peacock's tail, are ways of saying "Here I am: a male of your species". Females produce larger gametes (eggs). Males compensate in other ways, by paying other costs. In birds, males establish territories and then signal their presence, typically with a song, but sometimes with other displays, such as flashy plumage. Females select males based on territory. The signal just alerts the female to the presence of a male. The male takes an additional risk of predation by making himself so obvious. However, the signal might also be designed to confuse predators to some extent, or even to scare them off (e.g. the eyes on the peacock's tail). Few mammal species have this type of behavior. Instead, males invest energy in finding females and fighting over them. That's why most mammals (including humans) look and sound rather dull compared to male birds.

    4. These explanations do make sense to me and I am impressed and amused you preempted the male birds objective beauty point that I’m guessing you’ve heard before, and to be honest I agree that beauty is subjective, however I think modern artist types seem to think that means it has no legitimate basis on anything. For example I think light coloured eyes are more appealing than brown and dark eyes and I think this is the norm for people. They are brighter and more colourful and therefore more appealing which to me is the closest one could call something objectively beautiful, people might point out that other features are more important in the face like overall symmetry and I would agree but Im curious as to your thinking on this.

      I do also have some further questions if you don’t mind on the main point. You admit that women do care about appearance but you are saying women have little to no sexual desire for men due to it being unnecessary to evolve it in a pre-modern environment, correct me if I’m wrong. So what makes women care about a man’s appearance if it isn’t sexual desire? What drove the groupies that stood outside your apartment or the ones that go mad for the pretty boys from boy bands? What does this say about sexual orientation for women if their sexual desire is low to non-existent, are they essentially a-sexual to some degree? Finally what would you say to a man that wants to attract women? Sorry if that’s a lot of questions but I find what you have to say very compelling.

    5. The experience of beauty is a state of mind, which is receptive to the information of the senses. Certain situations and stimuli cause that mental state, such as viewing a landscape from a high vantage point. Essentially, you "drink" the information, and that fully occupies your mind.

      Beauty is subjective, in the sense that it is brain-dependent. It is also context-dependent. However, because human brains are similar, we find similar things beautiful.

      We find landscapes beautiful probably because it was adaptive to stop and absorb the information about a landscape from time to time. It can be useful to acquire knowledge that you aren't looking for. So, we have a mechanism that allows us to absorb information for its own sake.

      I think art, especially music, is often a kind of deception: it tricks the brain into entering that state, despite containing no useful information.

      Signals (such as a stop sign or the peacock's tail) are selected to be contrastive. E.g. stop signs are red because red is an uncommon color in the environment. If we lived on Mars, stop signs would be green or blue. This is somewhat objective, but it depends on the senses and the brain. Signals can also imitate things that we naturally orient to, such as eyes and voices.

    6. "You admit that women do care about appearance but you are saying women have little to no sexual desire for men due to it being unnecessary to evolve it in a pre-modern environment, correct me if I’m wrong."

      You're wrong. I don't "admit" that women care about appearance, and I didn't say that women have little to no sexual desire for men. What I said in the article is:

      "Of course, women have preferences in men, just as men have preferences in women. But the sexual desire of men is stronger, because female sexual desire was not necessary to bring men and women together."

      Women have sexual desire for men, but it is weaker, and more selective. Sexual preferences cause both attraction and repulsion.

      So, no, I never said that women have no sexual desire, that they are asexual, have no sexual preferences, or any other strawman. What I said is that women have less sexual desire than men, are more selective, and did not evolve to pursue/seek men, but to play a passive role: trying to attract men. I also explained that women needed men for other reasons, and had less agency in choosing mates.

      TBH, I suggest rereading the essay.

    7. Groupies are mostly teenage girls, who have just gone through puberty, so they are at the natural age for forming a pair-bond and having children, but they are naturally interested in men several years older, not boys their own age. Our society places their natural mates off-limits. This creates a kind of mate scarcity for teenage girls. So, if you put a decent-looking young man (college-age) around teenage girls, they will find him attractive. He's the best-quality guy around (compared to the teenage boys and middle-aged, balding teachers). That's a loud signal: very contrastive. So, girls will flock to that signal. There is also a feedback loop. Girls are interested in a guy if other girls are interested in the guy.

      Of course, this is not particularly adaptive behavior. Groupies are wasting their time. Again, women are not adapted to pursue men, so when they do pursue men, they do it in a pathological and useless way (flocking around one high-status man). Men pursue women in a more pragmatic way, because we evolved to pursue women.

      Now, however, we have technology, such as OnlyFans, that tricks men into pursuing women in pathological ways. It creates the illusion that the girl is alone, accessible and available, when she is none of those things. The human brain can be hacked in various ways. The emotions are ad hoc, and easily tricked. See "Alienation and Art" on this blog.

      I wouldn't try to passively attract women. Instead, pursue them. Go to a place where you are higher status (older, more wealthy, taller), and where there are available women. The most important thing is simply to have access to women. Talk to them. Don't be super aggressive, but don't be completely passive. Show some interest, read their signals, back off if they signal rejection, and then approach if they signal interest. It's like "red light, green light". It's irrational, but that's how people are. Good luck.

    8. My mistake on misreading and misunderstanding your essay but thank you for clarifying and responding to all my questions I appreciate the help.

  2. Would you advocate for some sort of patriarchy to solve these kinds of problems between men and women?

    1. No, and "the patriarchy" was nature. The breakdown of human sexuality is one of many problems created by modern civilization removing nature's boot from humanity's neck. To solve these problems, we need to expand rationality. The first step is understanding nature, human nature and the modern condition. Then we need to act more rationally at two levels: individual and social. Individuals need to be more critical of their emotions and intuitions, and use explicit norms to guide their decisions. Socially, we need to redesign modern civilization so it is sustainable. Part of that is eugenic reproduction control, which I've explained in other essays. That would help to restore the balance between the sexes. However, I think the likely outcome is that modern civilization will collapse before we solve the problems created by it, and we'll go back to the harsh pre-modern condition.

    2. I understand. What I am trying to get at with my question is this:
      Would installing a patriarchal system that gives more power and authority to men, as compared to women, not make men more desirable to women and enable men to offer women something that they can't easily get without a man? Wouldn't a patriarchal system be more functional, assuming it could be implemented and sustained?

    3. We can't just install a patriarchal system without first expanding rationality (awareness and control) at the social level. It would have to be designed and created rationally.

      Again, the patriarchy was nature. We didn't uninstall it. Modern civilization created prosperity, birth control, urbanization, service/office jobs, etc. The "patriarchy" then disappeared, because it was not something we put into place. It was nature. Norms can change very easily when the conditions of life change.

      Traditionalists make this mistake: believing that we could fix modernity by restoring the previous norms (which have already melted away), as if we just made a historical mistake, and can just RETVRN. They don't understand that the previous system was relatively stable because of hardship, high child mortality, no birth control, etc. We can't just reinstall traditional norms and expect to return to pre-modern behavior, while keeping all the benefits of modernity.

      If we want modern civilization to work, and not be a historical anomaly, we need to design it. Conservatives don't want to do that. They want their dead religion back.

      What I propose (reproduction licenses) would require the consent of both parties, and their combined income. So, it would give men more power in the relationship game, but not in the casual sex game.

  3. I agree completely. I don't think going back to tradition can solve the modern problems we now have. Traditions like "the patriarchy" were there to solve the problems of old, and can't solve the problems of modernity.

    Having said that, I do think "the patriarchy" helps in creating a more functional marriage market, as evidenced by the traditional muslims and christians in the West still having more functional and lasting marriages. Your whole blog post seems to insinuate that women have evolved to be owned or controlled by men, and the implication of this is that a society which treats women and men exactly the same is less functional than a society which makes women dependent on men. This doesn't solve the bigger problems, such as dysgenics and population control, but clearly those who still live by those old traditions are more functional in the modern society, from an evolutionary perspective, then most non-traditionalists who embrace "gender equality".

    1. The blog post explains that women evolved to be owned, and it explains what that means: that women needed men to survive. It was never society that made women dependent on men. It was nature.

      Certain niche belief systems can be adaptive for some individuals in the modern world, but only if you're born into them, and they are parasitic on the modern world. The Amish, for example, are protected by their community and beliefs from the harmful aspects of modern civilization, such as birth control. That benefits them biologically, but it doesn't help to make modern civilization sustainable. If everyone became Amish tomorrow, the population explosion would collapse modern civilization in a couple of generations. We would also instantly lose all the technology that allows us to defend our countries from foreign powers, grow enough food to feed ourselves, etc. Things would come crashing down almost immediately.

      The Amish way of life is not functional for the entire civilization, but it is functional as a niche way of life that is parasitic on modern civilization. It is functional for individuals, and for small communities within modern civilization, but not for the civilization as a whole.

      Also, such traditions can't help most people, because you need to be born into the community to actually absorb the traditions. Real traditions pass down from parents to children. They don't have the properties that allow them to propagate by rational persuasion, or become internet memes, etc.

      If you don't see the problems with modernity, then you won't see any reason to be Amish. If you do see the problems with modernity, then you can't become Amish, even if you recognize that their way of life works, because you are operating in a completely different frame. E.g. you're an atheist, you understand evolution, etc.

      So, again, all that stuff is useless.

      The so-called "traditionalists" are internet meme-pushers, and traditionalism is (ironically) a fashion that spreads on the internet.

  4. That is, roughly speaking, what I believe too. Though I would add that people like us who "operate in a different frame" can sometimes emulate different beliefs and behaviours, and use this to our advantage. Operating at a higher level of rationality enables us to interact with others in a way that is more beneficial to us as individuals. It gives us power over others by expanding our individual agency. If only we could do that for society as a whole...

    1. Yeah, we can operate in artificial frames, while recognizing their artificiality. But most people can't think abstractly. They can't be philosophical. They can't understand the modern human predicament.

      Society needs intellectual leadership: people who can stare into the abyss and understand the human predicament, and then make decisions for humanity. Unfortunately, public intellectuals are charlatans, chosen based on popularity. There's no easy answer. It's not easy to expand rationality, given that most people can't participate in that expanded rationality.

      Most people need a religion of some kind: a pre-packaged set of beliefs, values and behaviors. Unfortunately, people now get that cultural package "off-the-shelf", from mass media or social media. It's another problem of choice: people didn't evolve to choose their culture. They evolved to inherit it, and in a sense, to be "owned" by it.

      However, just because most people need a religion, it doesn't follow that we can resurrect a dead religion, such as Christianity, or that we can save our civilization with "white sharia". We need a new religion that is not a parasitic meme, and that has a rational justification and priesthood, even if most people accept it on faith.

      I talked about that in "Toward Rational Humanism", and in other places.

  5. But the prisoner's dilemma is gender agnostic. The wife owns the husband just as much as the husband owns the wife.

    1. None of the arguments made in this blog post or in the comments rely on the prisoner's dilemma. So, why do you think it is relevant here?

      P.S. The person mentioning the prisoner's dilemma is someone else. A bit confusing since both of us are "Anonymous".

    2. Yes, the prisoner's dilemma between the sexes is symmetric. The sexual contract is cooperation, and both sides can defect. But the sexes are not symmetric, so the sexual contract is not symmetric. They contribute different types of labor, and the risks are different. To say that men "owned" women is a (somewhat provocative) way of describing the asymmetry. Women needed men to survive. Men needed (and still need) women to reproduce. Being physically stronger, men were in direct control of most things, but women have emotional control over men.

      In an ancestral society, a father "owned" his daughter, and he could veto a relationship. But the daughter also "owned" the father emotionally, because he cared about her. Today, as a free individual, she can make her own choices. Her father's input is not required, and she does not need a husband. She does not need to be "owned". She acts in a totally different context. Because her nature is not adapted to this newly acquired freedom, her choices are maladaptive. That's the point of the essay. I think you are focusing on a choice of words, rather than the point.

  6. The Hindu practice of Sati (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sati_(practice)) was a historical practice where widows would be burned to death if their husbands recently died. When the wife's husband (her owner) died, she had to die as well. It's another example of a cultural custom demonstrating that women were owned by men.


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