Ancapitards are Aspy SJWs

Recently an ancapitard was commenting on my blog. I had thought that ancapism (anarcho-capitalism) died out back in 2015, replaced by the alt-right and other ideologies, but apparently a few ancapitards still lurk in dark corners of the interweb, blabbering about universally preferable behavior and argumentation ethics and other nonsense that I thought only existed as throwback memes. (No, I'm not appealing to novelty. I'm just pointing out that ideologies have life-cycles and ancapism is a dying ideology.)

I've already refuted anarcho-capitalism completely (here), so there's no point revisiting that. But I thought it would be interesting to compare ancapism to other ideological movements, in terms of memetics and psychology. So, that's what I'm going to do.

In advance, I should say that not all ancapitards are as bad as the caricature I'm going to present. However, the caricature is generally true. For some, it doesn't go far enough.

Okay, let's begin. What are these strange and elusive creatures, the ancapitards?

  • They are almost all men. The few exceptions are women who combine borderline autism with narcissism, and enter male spaces to get the deluge of attention that they crave.
  • They are aspy and nerdy. They are detail obsessed and most have some weird techno-hobby or sci-fi fandom in addition to ancapism.
  • They are self-righteous. They proclaim their moral and intellectual superiority at every opportunity.
  • They are irl losers. This is not a universal trait, but it is a common trait of people who become infected with ideologies.

What do these creatures do? They go on the internet and fight for ancapism, of course. What motivates them to do this? Well, like all ideologies, ancapism gives its members a claim to moral and intellectual superiority. Ancapitards use their ideology as a way to claim moral and intellectual status at the expense of others. (Competition for moral and intellectual status is a zero sum game.)

In that way, they are no different from SJWs or the members of any other ideology. Every ideology offers its members a low-cost claim to moral and intellectual superiority. If you believe in the ideology then you are better than everyone else. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to sacrifice anything. You just have to believe and profess your belief, and that makes you better than almost everyone else, or at least all non-believers. That is the appeal of ideologies. They do not make it easier to understand the world, or make you better at acting in the world. They just give you a claim to moral and intellectual superiority on the grounds that you have superior beliefs.

For ideologies to work, it is important that they reject the status quo. That way, their members can rage against the status quo (verbally, in a safe way, of course) and claim virtue for doing so. The members can claim that they are engaged in a brave and noble struggle by simply rejecting the status quo. It also allows the ideology to claim that it would bring about a paradise on Earth if only everyone believed in it. The struggle is justified by the imaginary utopia, and the claims to virtue are justified by the struggle.

See how it works? It's not surprising that ideologies keep popping up and propagating. They have psychological appeal and they motivate people to propagate the ideology. They are as addictive as smoking and probably as unhealthy.

(Don't @ me about smoking being good for you, plz. For the record, I occasionally smoke.)

Now, what makes ancapism different from other ideologies?

Ancapism has complex arguments that are difficult to master. That's why ancapism appeals to aspy, nerdy guys. SJWism, by contrast, relies on appeals to empathy, compassion and victimhood. Not only can ancapitards claim intellectual superiority over outsiders, they can also compete for in-group status by trying to master complex webs of logical and illogical reasoning. Debate as a competitive game appeals to guys more than girls, and to asps more than elves. Complex arguments also function as a defense, because in a pinch they can just say "You don't understand argumentation ethics" (which will inevitably be true, because why would anyone bother to understand all of their retarded bullshit?). This is somewhat analogous to how leftists (typically male leftists) use postmodernism to confuse their opponents.

Ancapitards differ from other ideologitards in ways that are explained by their aspiness and maleness. For example, they will argue endlessly and tediously, even after they lose an argument. SJWs, by contrast, will typically block you immediately if you argue with them. SJWs are incapable of debate. Ancapitards love to debate, but they are incapable of rational debate. Instead of trying to understand what you are saying, they will just look for contradictions or errors in what you say. Often they think they see an error or contradiction simply because you disagree with them. It's frustrating arguing with them, because they simply ignore your points and repeat their mantras ad nauseam.

There are a few other minor differences, but they aren't that important. Ancapism has a different moral system, in which freedom/consent is the core value. That appeals more to men than to women, because men tend to be more interested in legal and economic freedom than women. Women are interested in sexual freedom, but we already have a high level of sexual freedom in the West, so ancapism doesn't offer much to women. Another minor difference is that the ancap utopia has room for nerdy techno-fantasies. Ancaps believe that their utopia will be full of cool new technologies, like warp drive spaceships.

To put it simply, ancapitards are aspy SJWs. They are just as self-righteous and divorced from reality, but they are nerdy aspy guys, rather than artsy elfy girls.


  1. > Complex arguments also function as a defense, because in a pinch they can just say "You don't understand argumentation ethics" (which will inevitably be true, because why would anyone bother to understand all of their retarded bullshit?).

    Argumentation Ethics is not complex - it's very simply the idea that implicit in any debate is the presupposition that the participants prefer dialog and persuasion over force. If force was preferred, debate would be pointless. So Statism (or any ideology that forces itself upon unwilling others) cannot be debated, only violently imposed - "might makes right".

    > Ancapism has a different moral system, in which freedom/consent is the core value. That appeals more to men than to women, because men tend to be more interested in legal and economic freedom than women.

    True. Aren't you a man? And what's your core value if not freedom/consent/not-hurting-innocent-people?

    > Instead of trying to understand what you are saying, they will just look for contradictions or errors in what you say

    I understand what you say. I now realize that you are okay with contradictions and errors. I will leave you be then.

    > I've already refuted anarcho-capitalism completely (here)

    No you haven't. As I explained to you, you refuted a retarded strawman of anarchism without any organizational or hierarchical structure in that essay.

    > Competition for moral and intellectual status is a zero sum game.

    No it's not - everyone can be moral and intelligent in theory. By becoming more moral and more intelligent, you are not taking away anyone else's moral or intellectual status.

    1. Dennis, you perfectly demonstrate all the patterns I described. You've got to put that highly educated big brain of yours to use and figure out how to use a browser.

      Of course might makes right. Duh. The central point of my essay on anarchism is that might makes right. That's an inevitable reality, regardless of your moral pretensions. So you obviously didn't read the essay for content. You just scanned it looking for errors and contradictions, but the only contradictions you found were with your own beliefs. My beliefs are consistent, have explanatory power, and provide a normative basis for society. But you'll never understand that, because you are too busy prancing around on your high horse proclaiming your superiority.

    2. "Might makes right" is tautology. Obviously as long as most people support brutally enslaving their neighbours that's what will happen. That's why I asked you what you personally prefer - you do vote don't you? As more people are reminded that enslaving their neighbours is wrong, it will be less likely to happen. Unfortunately due to sophists like you, who claim nonsense like "there is no such thing as good/bad [because some people like killing grasshoppers]", people are easily confused and succumb to the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing temptations of the state - give us your integrity and principles, and we'll give you our violently-funded healthcare/welfare/etc.

      You don't have a normative basis for society - it's a garbled self-contradicting mess. You would never say that it's okay to steal money from people, or to force them into contracts, and yet that's what you support. Your heart bleeds for grasshoppers in sidewalk cracks, but you have no problem pointing guns at me to pay for your things. You're so fucked up that at the same time that you espouse the civility and rationality of modern statism, you denounce it's so-called pathological "altruism". History consistently shows that parasitism and corruption inevitably consume states as the mobs clamor and vote themselves more "free stuff" - that's what always happens when opportunism trumps morality. You're on a sinking ship, ready to shoot anyone who wants to escape on a life raft, preaching how wonderful and unsinkable your ship is. You're insane.

    3. The brave browser is open source and you can compile it on linux. Discord works fine on it.

    4. You don't know that "Discord (audio/video) works fine on it". Technically at least the should load on my webkitgtk browser too, but it doesn't. Obviously these sites are doing some weird new barely-tested shit.

      More importantly, what would we talk about? You don't think that people can successfully voluntarily choose competing dispute resolution organizations. Me and tonnes of other actual geniuses (unlike you) think that it's possible. You don't really care about our arguments, and that's fine, you're a busy man. I don't really care about your predictions of the future either. The only issue we have is the fact that you want to violently stop people from forming their own communities, and you want to violently steal and hurt those people who you keep trapped in your communities. What's there to discuss?

    5. All we need is audio, and I can use discord in brave, so I'm sure it would work. The only obstacle is your cowardice.

      What's there to discuss? You've been commenting on this blog for days now, obsessively. Obviously you think there is something to discuss.

      If we talked, I could explain how your ideology is retarded and how I am right. Isn't that the point of any debate? Unlike this medium, it wouldn't be so easy for you to ignore what I say. I could correct your misconceptions and lies in real time.

    6. Give me one example of something that I ignored.

    7. You ignored the entire content of "The Case Against Anarchism".

      As for a lie, there's this:

      "there is no such thing as good/bad [because some people like killing grasshoppers]"

      I'm not going to play your little debating games here.

    8. I read every single word of that tedious useless essay you wrote on strawman-Anarchism. I correctly pointed out how it made no mention of ANARCHO-capitalism, which is all about "private" voluntary solutions to dispute/etc. I already explained how most of what you were arguing for (monopoly authority over a given area) is perfectly compatible with anarcho-capitalism SO LONG as you provide an option to opt-out. Which you wouldn't provide because you're a faggot. What exactly in that essay do you think I missed?

      As for the alleged lie you mentioned, you're just mis-reading what I wrote. When *I* (or any sane person) refers to good/bad/evil, they refer to universal rules, and you correctly don't believe that any such rules exist. Ie. you think it's okay if a neighbouring country murders innocent people. The stuff in brackets was basically the core of your "enlightening" theory of amorality - the fact that some people enjoy killing insects while others don't led you shook you to your core (*pukes*, considering you have no problem enslaving me today) that you instantly became convinced of the subjectivity of people's morality, which you later post-hoc justified using some retarded pseudo-science garbage about The Law of Conservation of Energy. You retardedly assumed that the competition for the fixed energy on Earth was so fierce that any good you might do (like saving a friend who was about to fall off a cliff) would necessarily hurt someone else (perhaps by depriving them of a few molecules of oxygen)? You're fucking dumb and insane. I guess this is why you cling so desperately to the state's policemen, because any real man would have punched sense into you a long time ago.

    9. Okay, well, since you're a pussy and a retard, any future comments will be deleted.

  2. Argumentation ethics presupposes that argumentation is equally and overwhelmingly sought by the two parties, and downplays the role of force in a debate. In our world, argumenting takes valuable time that can be used to do other things, and in reality people assign different value to their time. Similarily, the motivation to argument almost never stays constant in an argument. Fluctuations in this interest may arise if your contributions don't seem to you to be taken in consideration by the other party, or if you perceive their argumentation to be petty or dishonest. Finally, force is never absent, either in practice or as a potential action, from our lifes, your life always depends on the physical integrity of your body in a world with a great many avenues of harm, not the least of which are our fellow humans. In some very heavily controlled environments among similarily minded individuals, these presuppositions do exist, but as such Argumentation Ethics are normally of moot value to most exchanges.

    Morals are heuristic approaches to survival and reproduction, and as such they ought to be judged by to which extent they aid towards this goal. An excessive adherence to any set of morals shields one from accurately assessing how effective they are for their ultimate ends. Sometimes, violence leads to greater survival of the individual than lack of violence. It doesn't matter to the individual that their approach may make the peaceful ways of the rest of the society maladaptive to them, the individual will benefit until the rest of society enacts violence against them as a collective. I suspect your over-adherence to non-agression/consent morals esteems from a probable personal distaste of the problems that arise from implementing these measures of collective violence against the individual. Wishing that people were more moral foregoes the purpose of morals as a heuristic, and is itself a maladaptive strategy.

    Contradictions and errors plague every argument ever made by any man, reality is far too complex to be described in our human languages without extreme verbosity, such that and uncharitable interpretation of any argument wouldn't turn up errors and contradictions. You are appealing to an unattainable standard. Arguing against the lack of perfection in someone's argument instead of the intention the wish to convey through it is a surefire way to drop their motivation to argument with you further to zero. You'd be well advised not to take this withdrawal as an argumentative victory.

    I found BG's refutation of anarchocapitalism sufficient.

    While you are correct that the improvement of morals in society isn't a zero sum game, the pursuit of being perceived as the most moral definitely is a zero sum game. And BG did correctly frame it as a competition for status. This status is external to the subjects whose morals are being judged, and perception-based. Human perception finds proportional patterns, and for the individuals wishing to be the most moral, an equal competitor means their moral prowess is a lesser proportional part of the total perceived, though still equal in absolute terms. Hence, a zero sum game. I must also say that measuring morals is not a trivial process.


    1. > I found BG's refutation of anarchocapitalism sufficient.

      Which refutation? I heard him struggle to refute it in his "Anarcho Capitalism Debate" (, but most of that debate was about how violent past societies were, which is irrelevant to the ancap debate. The real argument about whether private dispute resolution organizations could work was mentioned but never discussed - BG just blindly laughed at the idea. Lots of legit-genius thinkers have written many books on the topic, but BG thinks he knows better than all of them, he doesn't need to have read David Friedman's books, it's just a silly idea. That is what BG considers refutation.

      In his "The Case Against Anarchism" blog post on this site, most of it is devoted to off topic stuff like the usefulness of hierarchy and rules and "a central governing authority with an effective monopoly on violence", again, all of which are irrelevant to the ancap debate. Ancap is all about CONSENTUAL private-property communities/cities (aka. centralized monopolies on violence). I have repeatedly asked him about this issue of consent and he always ignores me, but he implies that consent is not important.

      > Argumentation ethics presupposes that argumentation is equally and overwhelmingly sought by the two parties, and downplays the role of force in a debate.

      What role of force is there in a debate? I think you're conflating voluntary rule-following, with involuntary rule-following ... ie. THE CORE OF THE ANCAP DEBATE.

      > Morals are heuristic approaches to survival and reproduction,

      You can define it that way, but nobody else does. The way most people think of it is as "universally laudable/punishable behavior". For example, most people think that "murder is evil (ought to be punished, wherever it occurs)" - I have never met a single person who would be okay with innocent people being sadistically murdered in another country. Would BG not intervene in such a hypothetical situation?

      > and as such they ought to be judged by to which extent they aid towards this goal.

      Morality is not merely about survival and reproduction. For example, thieves and gang members hurt innocent people, but they also know it's wrong.

      > I suspect your over-adherence to non-agression/consent morals

      What do you mean by "over-adherence"? Do you think it's okay to force unwilling people to do things they vehemently don't want to participate in?

      > Arguing against the lack of perfection in someone's argument instead of the intention the wish to convey through it is a surefire way to drop their motivation to argument with you further to zero.

      I attacked BG's core arguments against voluntaryism. For example, I asked him where he derives his sense of morality - how he'd teach his kids not to murder or hurt innocent people. He never answered, because he has no good answer. He can't tell his kids "that's just what the law says". He can't tell them "you can only do it if you're sure you won't get caught". Etc.

      > While you are correct that the improvement of morals in society isn't a zero sum game, the pursuit of being perceived as the most moral definitely is a zero sum game. And BG did correctly frame it as a competition for status.

      True. In which case, not being a zero-sum game (in terms of ranking) is a good thing! Only being "good" instead of "ultra-uber-good" is not a problem.

    2. Dennis, what you wrote here is just a word salad. Metaphysically speaking, believing in morality is equivalent in believing in God. Just as every religious person thinks they believe the right religion and that all the other religions are wrong, every moral ideologist thinks they know the true morality and that everybody else is wrong. But the real truth is that both categories of people are equally wrong because they both believe in a non-existent ontologies. Upon recognizing that such ontologies (God and Objective Morality) never existed in the first place, everything else in their belief systems falls apart.

  3. This characteristics describe in a 90% how i was in my ancap years


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