To EyesWideOpen

This is a response to a comment by EyesWideOpen on the video Lucifer’s Question . His comment is long, so I will break it into parts and respond to each part. He began by quoting something I said: “Even if you fling yourself into the Abyss, so that you may reign in hell, you’re still serving in heaven.” Then he said: Do you really think that John Milton was an advocate of anything closely approximating the autocatalytic cells view of existence where ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ can both be reduced down simply to causality in a 100% materialistic universe? I believe Milton’s many metaphors should be viewed in context — Milton’s belief system was Christian. Although he was anti-organization when it came to Church governance, his ideas on existence and purpose were always structured within a framework built upon the Word of God as a divine revelation of higher truth (metaphysical). The video wasn’t about Paradise Lost or Milton’s worldview. I used the character of Luci...