The Ghost of Adam Lanza
Goodness is the fulfillment of value. Value exists only in life. If there is no life, there is no value, and thus goodness becomes an entirely irrelevant concept.
— Adam Lanza in Antinatalism at Light Speed, 2011
Recently, someone discovered the ghost of Adam Lanza. His abandoned YouTube channel, CulturalPhilistine, had been sitting on YouTube for 9 years, without anyone linking it to him. It had 20 videos, and only about a dozen subscribers. The videos were just audio with a black image. Recently, someone found it and linked it to Lanza. It was quickly deleted, but people managed to save the content before it was taken down. So, we now have new insights into the mind of Adam Lanza.
Adam Lanza committed the Sandy Hook school shooting. On December 14, 2012, he killed his mother at their home, and then went to an elementary school, where he killed 20 children and 6 adults. The children were in Grade 1.
Like the Columbine massacre, it was both horrifying and incomprehensible. Why did he do it?
At the time of his death, Adam Lanza was 20 years old. He lived with his mother. He was not employed or going to school. He spent most of his time alone in his room.
The media portrayed him as an insane individual with irrational motives. They emphasized his Asperger’s syndrome, reclusive behavior and morbid fascination with guns and death.
His YouTube videos reveal a different side of Adam Lanza. He was not a raving lunatic. He was an intelligent young man, who had thought deeply about life and death. In his videos, he explained his belief system to anyone who would listen.
I have listened to most of his videos. In this essay, I will present a summary of his beliefs, as I understand them. They shed some light on his motives for mass murder, but they are also interesting in themselves.
Lanza was somewhat engaged in the antinatalist and efilist circles on YouTube. His videos mention Inmendham and other people who were active in that discourse space. Antinatalism is the belief that procreation is morally wrong. It applies specifically to human beings, and it can have different justifications. Some antinatalists believe that human beings are a blight on the planet. Others believe that human existence is essentially bad, and thus it is better not to be born. Those are very different moral views. Efilism is the philosophical rejection of life in general, not just human procreation. Efilists believe that life is essentially bad for all sentient beings. Efilism and antinatalism are part of a larger space of heretical discourse on the internet.
Although Lanza was somewhat engaged in heretical internet discourse, he did not get his ideas from the internet. He was not thinking in a vacuum (no one does), but he developed his own worldview. Even as a child, he was thinking deeply about philosophical issues. Later in life, he discovered heretical ideas on the internet. He was influenced by them, but he did not simply adopt an ideology “off the shelf”, as many people do.
Lanza’s philosophy of life was related to efilism, but not identical to it. He used the term “antinatalism” to label his views, but he said that it was not the ideal term. He suggested “eulavism” instead.
The rejection of culture was the first stage in the development of Lanza’s worldview. He viewed culture as a delusion, a disease and an imposition on children. At this stage, his worldview could be loosely described as “anarcho-primitivist”. He had an ideal notion of the human condition before culture and civilization, which he called “the feral self”. He believed that the feral self is the “true self”, which is stifled by culture. He believed that culture prevents the attainment of happiness, because it stigmatizes natural desires. In his worldview, culture had cast humanity out of a primitive paradise. (Note the parallel to the Garden of Eden story.)
Lanza saw that culture is often imposed on people by others, through a process that he called “bullying”. For example, suppose that a child is picking his nose, because that’s what he naturally feels like doing. A parent or teacher then bullies the child to conform to social/cultural expectations of correct behavior. After being forced to conform to this value, the child internalizes it, and feels bad about picking his nose. He starts to propagate the value to other children, by bullying them. As an adult, he becomes an authority figure, who transmits the value to another generation.
Lanza believed that culture consists of memes that propagate by coercion and deception, not rational persuasion. He saw a world of people infected by memes, acting as enforcers of a memetic tyranny.
This view is not irrational or insane. It is partly correct. Culture is often acquired by conformity and obedience. Once acquired, it is mindlessly imposed on others. Culture can be irrational, and it can be harmful. However, culture has important functions. Some memes are harmful, but many are beneficial, even if they propagate irrationally.
Lanza viewed enculturation as the imposition of cultural values on the feral self, thereby creating a false self with false values.
In one video, he said that without culture he wouldn’t be making a YouTube response video to someone. Instead, he would be stroking the other person’s hair and looking into his eyes, or “whatever feral humans do”. That is a very romantic notion of the primitive. If two strange chimps meet in the forest, they don’t just start grooming each other. They are more likely to be fearful or hostile.
Lanza’s notion of a primitive paradise was a naive fantasy.
Humans are cultural animals. We can’t survive without culture. There never was a pre-cultural human condition. There was a pre-modern human condition before modern technology. There was an ancestral human condition before civilization and agriculture. Further back in time, before Homo sapiens, there was a pre-human condition without fire or language. But there was never a pre-cultural human paradise.
I believe that Lanza’s rejection of culture was partly due to his autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It made him more socially detached, and thus gave him a more critical perspective on culture and society. He did not just accept the culture that he was immersed in. He questioned it. Most people never think about culture. They accept it and internalize it. They conform and obey.
Lanza became aware of culture as something foreign that was imposed on him, and he began to hate it.
Maybe he also hated culture because it alienated him from others. As someone with ASD, he would have been less aware of social cues, which are important for learning social/cultural norms. He probably resented the arbitrary norms of social interaction. He wanted to interact with others naturally and rationally, through emotions and thought, without the intervening layer of norms.
Culture brings us together. It enables communication and cooperation. However, it also creates barriers between us. It prevents honest self-expression. To some extent, it alienates us from each other, and even from ourselves.
Social interaction is highly artificial and stereotypical. Rather than expressing our true feelings and thoughts, we play conventional roles in a social game. For example, imagine a young man who sees an attractive girl. Can he just say “Hi, I find you attractive”. No, of course not. He can’t just express his desire honestly. He must engage in small-talk, and slowly reveal his interest through a pretense. If he wants to touch her body, he can’t just reach out and touch her. In a hypothetical pre-cultural state, he could express his desire openly, and she could respond by smiling or frowning. Instead, he must relate to her through a layer of arbitrary conventions: the norms of flirting.
Most people don’t recognize this layer as artificial, arbitrary and dishonest, because they have internalized it. They don’t even recognize it as foreign. But it is artificial, arbitrary and dishonest. It supersedes honest self-expression. We interact through artificial personas, and we must play by the implicit rules of a social game.
Here is an excerpt from My Antinatalism, the first video that Lanza posted:
I didn’t understand this when I was younger, but I’ve always had an immense hatred for culture. I considered culture to be delusional values, which humans mindlessly coerce onto each other, spreading it no differently than any other disease.
I previously sought to eliminate my cultural values to the greatest extent that I could. Through this, I expected to gradually discover values within myself, so that I could engage in activities and pursue goals which would lead to happiness. Eventually, I got to a point where I had sufficiently freed myself from what I called “cultural values”.
When I analyzed all of the things which brought me happiness, and all of the goals which I wanted to pursue, I realized that absolutely everything about those things that appealed to me was entirely a consequence of my cultural infection. Formerly, I had rejected some aspects of culture while accepting other ones and merely not calling them “cultural”, as if those values were somehow transcendent and mine. It was at that point that I realized that there is no such thing as an inner self. Any sense of self is a delusional cultural construct. I realized that cultural infections are the sole source of any possible value beyond base values.
For a while, I believed that happiness could be attained if culture could theoretically be eradicated and if anarcho-primitivism were to take hold. Replace all instances of “technology” with “culture” in the analytic sections of Industrial Society and its Future [the manifesto of Ted Kaczynski], and you basically have my mentality at the time regarding the pernicious effects of culture.
Lanza discovered that he had been coerced and deceived into having certain values. He resented that. He tried to purge himself of foreign values, to liberate his true self. However, beneath culture, he found only another layer of coercion and deception, another mindlessly propagating disease.
The problem was I had not been addressing what happiness is. Happiness is merely the fulfillment of value.
I recognized that if cultural values were eliminated, the happiness which results from their fulfillment would not be needed, because happiness becomes unnecessary and an incoherent concept when it is removed from its context.
A common theme in my quasi-anarcho-primitivist thought at the time was that non-base values exist only as a consequence of cultural infections, and impede on the happiness which results from the fulfillment of feral values. I thought of my feral self as if it were metaphysically the real me, whose soul had been devoured by the culturally constructed imposter of the self. But my feral self was also an imposter.
Just as I realized that I could eliminate non-base values and have no need for the happiness which resulted from their fulfillment, I could eliminate base values and have no need for the happiness which resulted from their fulfillment.
It was not only the disease of culture that had been plaguing me all along. It was the disease of life itself.
Lanza went from rejecting culture to rejecting life.
He understood that all happiness comes from the fulfillment of value, or in other words, from the fulfillment of desire. It follows that one must suffer to be happy. To feel happiness, one must have a want that can be fulfilled. Value is the root of suffering. Value is the cause of all problems.
He recognized an analogy between culture and biology. He viewed culture as imposing false values, which must then be fulfilled. He came to view life in the same way. Life creates beings that have desires. Those beings then struggle to fulfill those desires. Life also propagates mindlessly from one generation to the next.
He came to hate life for the same reasons that he hated culture.
Although he was influenced by antinatalist and efilist discourse online, his views were his own. He criticized the efilists for their belief in objective good and bad. He saw morality as a cultural delusion. He didn’t believe in objective values. He believed that his own values were subjective.
My Antinatalism continued:
I was not and I am not in some existential crisis. I have never had the slightest problem with the obvious non-existence of free will, objective purposes, and all that. I have always been entirely psychologically capable of accepting my own subjective values and goals, even though I know that they are consummately inconsequential. And it doesn’t bother me at all.
The problem is not that I seek meaning and cannot find it. The problem is that I do feel immense meaning, and so does everyone else who is alive.
Meaning is an abstract interpretation of value, which exists only because of life. Just as I sought to eradicate the delusional values which culture infected me with, the final solution is the termination of my life, to rid myself of all value. A solution cannot be to embrace some aspect of life, as if the erosion of delusions is the cause of this. Life is what originally caused me to have value, and changing my life will never do anything but create different delusions than the ones I already have.
Unfortunately, as of right now, I lack the discipline to commit suicide, and to rid myself of the values which delude me, even though I recognize the solution to life is death. But I do commend others who commit suicide. They have freed themselves from culture, life and all value. They have freed themselves from themselves.
Lanza even recognized that there was a paradox in his position. His rejection of value was itself a value. “Value is bad” is a value judgment. Eulavism is a self-negating paradox. But he still had that value, paradoxical though it is. Eventually, he negated himself.
Does his philosophy explain why he committed mass murder?
No, not really. Eulavism might lead to suicide, if a paradox can lead anywhere, but it doesn’t imply murder. I believe that eulavism influenced his decision to commit mass murder, but he had other motives, some of which were subconscious.
Lanza had painted himself into a corner by becoming reclusive. He couldn’t face the world outside his bedroom. Just before the murders, he was due to be evicted from his sanctuary. His mother was trying to sell the house. She wanted to move him into a trailer, so that she could clean his room and show the house to prospective buyers.
Lanza’s time as a child was over, but he refused to grow up. He didn’t want to leave home and become a functioning adult. He couldn’t face the prospect of conforming to society and culture. He was living in a fantasy world, and his little bubble was about to burst. He already wanted to commit suicide, and his impending eviction pushed him over the edge.
Lanza’s mother was his first victim. Did he kill her out of hate or love? We don’t know. Maybe both.
Lanza had a very sheltered life. He did not put his theoretical primitivism into practice. A long canoeing or backpacking trip would have given him a less romantic perspective on nature and the primitive. If he had gotten a job, he would have developed practical knowledge and strengthened his frail body. Instead, he retreated from reality into fantasy.
In the years leading up to his crimes, Lanza had a growing obsession with mass murder. He posted occasionally on a forum called “Shocked Beyond Belief”, and many of his posts were about mass murder. He had a special fascination with school shootings, including the Columbine massacre. (See Adam Lanza’s “Shocked Beyond Belief” Posts.)
He probably spent a lot of time fantasizing about mass murder. Fantasies generate values, which then create the desire to be fulfilled. Values are not just imposed on us from the outside. We generate them internally.
Lanza was a lonely incel, and probably a virgin. The typical mass killer is lonely and sexually frustrated. Lanza believed that culture created an artificial scarcity of sex, with various norms limiting sexual expression. He blamed culture for his loneliness.
There is some speculation about his sexuality: that he might have been gay or a pedophile. He wrote a long essay about the dishonesty and hypocrisy of society’s treatment of pedophilia. He said that he was not a pedophile, and that he had not been sexually molested as a child.
This is from the description of the video series On pedophiles and children:
I have to emphasize for the fifth time, I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE. My position is that children would not be harmed by consensual sexual interaction with adults any more than other adults are, unless their culture forced them into being ignorant of it and manipulated into being horrified by it.
I recognize that my anti-pedophobia was only a futile retaliation against culture, so I will never have the motivation to improve any of this.
However, in his Pointless series of videos, he said:
How can someone be attracted to breasts? [laughter, inaudible] I’m just attracted to young teenage girls who have the bodies of 12-year-old anorexic boys.
So, it seems that Lanza was attracted to pubescent girls, not full-figured women. However, I believe that his obsession with pedophilia had more to do with his views on culture. He enjoyed violating taboos. In his Pointless series of videos, he said that he wrote the essay defending pedophilia with the intent of submitting it as part of a college application. He knew that it would cause him to be rejected, but he liked that kind of rejection. That was revealing. The violation of taboos is a rebellion against culture.
Whether he was a pedophile or not, I don’t believe that he killed children because he was sexually attracted to them.
Also, I don’t believe that he was motivated by hatred or resentment of children. He did not hate children. He viewed them as closer to the feral, pre-cultural human condition. He hated culture and life.
I believe that Lanza targeted a school for multiple reasons. One is that it represented enculturation. School is where children go to have culture injected into them. Children also represent the propagation of life. He disliked authority figures, such as teachers and parents. He killed teachers, and he hurt parents by killing their children. He was also influenced by the Columbine massacre. He had fantasized about a school shooting for a long time. Perhaps he was also symbolically returning to childhood, rewinding his life before his death.
The idea that he was mercy-killing children is too simplistic. But he would not have viewed his actions as harmful to them. In his worldview, death was salvation and enlightenment. However, he did not believe in morality or objective value, or that he had any obligation to act for the good of others. Also, he must have known that killing a small number of people would have no effect on life or suffering in general. He did not kill children to save them from life. He killed them to express his hatred of life.
Maybe it was also a way to force himself to commit suicide. He was burning his bridge back to life, so that there was no going back.
I think he fell into a deep despair after sharing his views on YouTube, and getting mostly mindless bullying as a response. His last video was posted less than a year before the murders, in January 2012.
In the description of his final series of videos, To the Proculturalists, he wrote:
If you wanted to upset me, you’ve succeeded more than you could have expected. I could have explained everything in this more extensively if this wasn’t extemporaneously spoken while feeling despondent, but if no one understands what I’m saying after seven hours of videos (which barely any of you even listened to), no one ever will. I can’t handle this cultural bullying. My account is now officially abandoned.
About 10 months later, Adam Lanza put a gun to his head and blew his brains out, after killing 27 other people.
The murders were his final attempt at self-expression. He wanted to spread his beliefs to others. He probably thought of his YouTube channel as his manifesto, and assumed that it would be discovered soon after his death. Instead, it was ignored for years.
There was a strange irony to his final act. By committing mass murder, he was trying to impose his values onto others. He was horrified by life, and he wanted others to feel the same way. He hated life and value, and he wanted to propagate that value to others. He was trying to bully the world into accepting his values.
Perfectly written. From what I've seen of his writings (and videos) I agree with everything you wrote. I do wonder how differently things would have turned out had he not been so isolated.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Yeah, maybe if he had people to talk to, he might not have done what he did, but he chose to be isolated.
DeleteI wonder, if we were to go back in time and actually engage with him about his ideas, would the murder suicide have been prevented? His philosophy is just so completely self-defeating that I feel he needed to just be steered away from it entirely. His life could have improved and if he could have come to terms with the meaninglessness of human existence and arbitrariness of cultural mores like the rest of us, he could have carved out a little life for himself. My brother is a high functioning autistic and he never went down this dark path, although I'm sure he must have had similar sort of ideas along the way. I think Adam was failed by his family, much like the recent Texas shooter. He needed someone to be real hands on with him and truly address his issues with him starting at a very young age. My parents had to do this with my brother, and I'm sad to realize that not all parents are equipped to deal with the extra time, energy, smarts and expense that comes with raising a child with special needs. People fall through the cracks and nobody is there to prevent these sorts of attacks against humanity.
DeleteI learned only long after first struggling with depression is how much isolation contributes to depression. Depression leads you to isolate yourself, so it is difficult to escape that cycle, regardless of ideology or underlying values. But, superimposed on antipathy to value itself, self-destruction seems inevitable.
Deletehaha virgin
ReplyDeletevery clever
DeleteI don't understand why nihilism/Dexter-style autism is generally assumed to lead to murder. Why do people like them care if anyone else lives or dies? Being a mass murderer seems like a lot of pointless work if people don't matter.
ReplyDeleteWho said nihilism or autism leads to murder?
DeleteVery interesting, Thanks for this. I agree: Hiking, canoeing, starting a garden, a simple walk in the woods, maybe reading the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson…it sounds silly as I write it out but maybe things like this would’ve helped this young man.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, Emerson said: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Didn't Lanza do just that?
ReplyDeleteI think his choice of a school was a way of liberating himself from "value", (or a way to prove to himself he had already liberated himself and wasn't a hypocrite). He saw taboos as cultural infection. If you don't value life, murder is the ultimate taboo; and murder of children is the most taboo form of murder.
ReplyDeleteReally insightful, thank you for sharing. I've been following the Sandy Hook case and learning about Adam Lanza from day one, and I was shocked to see how few people are talking about the discovery of his youtube channel
ReplyDeleteThanks, glad you found it insightful. Yeah, I am surprised that the mainstream media has just ignored it.
DeleteSurprised is greatly understating things...
Deletedo u have any more insight on how the channel was found? i've been working on some youtube archeology of my own and would love any tips on finding old and obscure videos/channels effectively!
ReplyDeleteThe following link was the very first public internet post and person (Reddit user u/u/Lightblaster87) who revealed Adam Lanza's secret Youtube channel. It is one of the most upvoted posts on the r/masskillers subreddit:
DeleteWell said! this lanza kid has made very interesting viewpoints thats why hes really by far the most unique one in my opinion compared to other school shooters.
ReplyDeleteHe was Correctly Right about Life being Suffering and Suicide the Solution to alleviate that said Suffering.
ReplyDeleteInteresting capitalization style.
DeleteWell, a solution, but not THE solution.
Deletevery good article
DeleteFirst of all, he did not think that the primitive life is the ultimate paradise "But
ReplyDeletemy feral self was also an impostor. Just as I realized that I could eliminate non-base values
and have no need for the happiness which resulted from their fulfilment, I could eliminate
base-values and have no need for the happiness which resulted from their fulfilment". Also if you were invested in his case, you'll find that in opposition to being completely shut indoors, he was very much into exploring the nature, hiking, etc., in fact it was one of the only activities he mentioned to the friend at the theatre and his father. It became almost the only activity he liked doing with Peter besides shooting, before he eventually stopped contacting him and everyone else. Peter also mentioned he could tie his own shoes during a hike and apparently Nancy was surprised to learn that. I think this shows that Nancy may not have known Adam as well as she thought she did, and she may have painted him as a much weaker, more vulnerable child than he actually is capable of doing. This affects how we as outsiders view AL since a lot of description of his everyday life was through the telling of Nancy, but she could have a very delusional view of her son in the beginning. I also want to point out that "the absence of physical hardship and practical problems" is likely not true in his case, people with Autism suffer from a different kind of physical hardship. i.e. a normal amount of noise may not cause significant problem for a neurotypical person but it could mean a great deal of pain for an autistic person like AL, and it could heavily delay and cause trouble for his daily routine. He was also failing classes in school, which is a practical problem, since he always wanted to do well academically. Although these problems may seem 'minor' compared to, for example a person who is struggling to find food and shelter every day, but you don't just compare hardship and suffering like that. Especially not for a severely troubled person like him, I don't think there is ever a separation between physical and psychological suffering. I don't even think those can be treated differently for anyone, they are always connected.
You should have read the post before commenting. That quote is in the post. I walked through his philosophical evolution from primitivist to eulavist.
DeleteAt the time of the murders, Lanza wasn't in school, so failing classes would have been an issue from the past, not a current problem. Also, given his views on culture, I don't think he wanted to do well academically. He talked about writing an essay that would get him rejected from university, for example. He rejected grades and "doing well" as false values, imposed by culture.
In the years prior to the murders, he was living in isolation in his room, with garbage bags over the windows, so not exactly exploring nature. Maybe he enjoyed some hiking in earlier years, but I don't think he ever did any real wilderness travel or survival activities. He had no actual problems of survival. His mother supported him.
You seem to be creating a fictional story about Lanza, the poor misunderstood autistic kid, who was really a victim of society, his mother, etc. You are not trying to understand the reality of his life and ideas.
Good read
ReplyDeleteI myself have always preferred isolation. Not always of course bc I def lucked out by having 2 caring well to do (financially) parents. I lived at home through my 20s , isolated to an extent but still had a relatively normal social life both in junior and high school and post high school into my 20s. Some experience with the opposite sex a few smaller relationships. All pretty standard stuff..i had alittle bullying in middle school nothing out of league w what anyone else experiences. But I never let it dwell within me creating anger and hatred. Ive had my issues w (primarily drug abuse) post high school (i was born in maryland in 1983, older millennial here now 41. Single no kids, moved back home in 2019 after father illness (cancer) had become terminal. He passed in 2022, parents were married 51 years. I have 1 older sister who, lives nearby. She has 2 kids my niece n nephew. They r all grown up.
ReplyDeleteSo i grew up w the columbine generation (my senior year was class of 2001) and that was between 1999 columbine and 2001 9/11. 2 events that were watershed moments and sorta changed society a before and after of sorts. So i worked did all the things a young person does post grade school had some troubles w drugs, dated, worked, held employment for years had an apartment had a small trust setup by my paternal grandparents and ,maintain relatively well minus a few periods of active addiction and some struggles with weight ) primarily obesity and dealing with living healthier etc. Difference between me and Lanza though while i have at times preferred isolation i had a caring involved family (not helicopter parents but involved) and i always had help but also learning some core tenants to being self sufficient.
Im far from perfect living back at home w an aging mother whom needs help ,managing this large property w multiple acres, barn shed an inground pool, several pets that adore n rely heavily on me. House is large enough to give enough space and have privacy while still keepin in touch an while i
Iive off a trust via parents an inheritance after fathers passing (and part time work fr home) i take care of property and the 2 of us split responsibilities. Still i have downtime to game (i have always enjoyed gaming) primarily single player offline type games, but all that aside the key differences is between someone like me an adam Lanza is, for 1 I never dealt w a flurry of serious psychological issues unaddressed or un treated. I never isolated to the point of completely dilluding myself into a purely fantastical world w no basis or grounding to reality, and while i read the entire article and understand some of lanzas points to antinatilism and rejecting culture and value. I dont adhere to that ideology and would certainly have 0 desire to harm others. I always have said of school / mass shootings an mass murderers themselves many of them were victims up till the moment they pull the trigger. Some of his rhetoric had validity and if he had been steered into a diff 'direction' he could have found some ,meaning or purpose an some level of fullfillment regardless how fleeting he felt. Change of scenery? Going outdoors, some normal human interaction, some day to day to day responsibilities and after all that some obvious serious family intervention and real long term psychological help and some level of monitoring his online activities to further understand what he was consuming and to you know not allow for access to military grade rifles to so easily be accessed. And maybe just maybe could have prevented a horrific day in ,modern american history very good read thank you
These YouTube videos are an interesting find indeed. I agree that he just needed more of a social life to distract him from his false and destructive conclusions.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I have an issue with using the label of "autism" to explain Adam Lanza. Psychobabble is pseudoscientific nonsense. Had you used the term colloquially or casually, as a shorthand for something like "poor social skills", etc., that would be fine. But like so many otherwise brilliant intellectuals you make the mistake of positing it as an explanation. Autism is not a coherent, scientific, or medical diagnosis. It means whatever the writer (or shrink) wants it to mean. This applies to virtually all psychiatric diagnoses, even schizophrenia. Some use "autist" as a synonym for retard that communicates via nonverbal grunts while pooping their pants. Others use it to describe socially awkward indivduals. Still others apply it to eccentric but popular (and often very social) celebrities. Attributing aspects of Lanza's behavior to "autism" is not explanatory or meaingful, anymore than attributing someone's assholery to being an "asshole".
Otherwise, great article.